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2 luxury villas in a privileged area of Mallorca - Urbanizacion Puig de Ros. In the process of design and sale.

Roi Inversor: 132 %
Tir: 28%
Invesores: 1 Sdckapital
Tiempo ejecución: 4 años


year                                                 2020

chalets                                                  2

promoter                        SDC Kapital, SL

builder                           SDC Kapital, SL

location                Puig de Ros, Mallorca

Project details


To contact us, simply schedule a personal interview at the following link. We will be delighted to assist you.

Thank you for your message!


Calle Jaime III, 25 b, entlo

07012 Palama de Mallorca

Email :

Tel. +34 610 216 441


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